How Tennis Shaped an Olympic Hockey Player
Customer Spotlight: Former Gopher and North Star Dave Jensen Finds a Home on the Court
1984 U.S. Olympian Dave Jensen and his daughter Maddi are hooked on pickleball.
Get to know 1984 U.S. Olympian, Minnesota North Star, and Gopher Hockey Captain Dave Jensen. A native of Crystal, MN, Dave also played three years of pro hockey for Ritten in northern Italy, near the hometown of 2024 Australian Open winner Jannik Sinner.
How did you get involved with tennis and pickleball?
My passion for tennis started as a youth, riding my bike to the courts in the summer, playing for hours. Little did I realize how much it was helping my hockey game. Growing up I was a big Bjorn Borg fan and was fortunate to meet and have my photo with him in the JFK Airport when I was 18, if only I could find that photo. I got the pickleball bug during Covid. Everything was closed except the courts for tennis and pickleball. For the past four years there is not a week that has gone by that I haven't played pickleball. Business or vacation trips, my paddle comes with me.
Dave was captain of the Gopher hockey team his senior season (1983-84) before earning a spot on the 1984 U.S. Olympic roster. He played for the the Minnesota North Stars before going overseas to finish his pro hockey career.
Why do you think tennis helped you achieve on the ice?
Hand-eye, interval training, footwork and most of all mental. You realize early how important your mental attitude is in the game. Throughout the match there are going to be some bad shots or an opponent goes on a run, how you handle the ups and downs will determine if you succeed or not, which is similar in all sports. Golf is a favorite of many NHL hockey players but I have noticed more and more stating that their offseason training includes tennis and or pickleball. I would strongly recommend both sports to young athletes looking to excel in whatever their chosen sport is.
Besides the exercise, what other aspects of pickleball do you enjoy?
It's difficult to compare another sport that has as much social interaction as pickleball. I have met so many new friends through pickleball, people I never knew four years ago are now some of my closest friends. The numerous text threads I'm on of fellow pickleballers looking for a game is endless. There's something about playing with or against each other that brings you closer than any coffee shop or barstool conversation.
Do you still enjoy tennis?
Absolutely, I play at least once a week, cardio tennis drills are my favorite — an hour and a half of running and constant hitting. I'm currently in a summer clinic in Chanhassen.
As an Olympian who represented the United States in the 1984 Winter Games in Sarajevo, are you excited about the Summer Games starting this month?
For sure, for all the athletes, representing your country in any sport is an honor and a thrill of a lifetime and only comes second to serving your country as a member of the military. It's awesome to see tennis as part of the games and only a matter of time until we see pickleball included. Not only is participation exploding but so is viewership.
Where do you get your gear?
Not knowing anything about pickleball when I started, I bought my first paddle from a guy at the club out of his trunk. Well, it didn't take long to realize I needed more help and options than from a guy in the parking lot. Asking others where they shop, Michael Lynne’s was the most common response.
Michael Lynne’s reminds me of the hockey shops I frequented throughout my life. Every tennis and pickleball brand I could imagine under one roof with competitive prices and experienced quality staff helping me. Starting a new sport can be a bit intimidating which is all the more reason to start your journey at Michael Lynne’s. Whether you are a beginner or an elite player, I highly recommend a visit to Michael Lynne’s — it's my new happy place.